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The meaning of Grateful


The meaning of Grateful:

ratitude in knowing that someone knows how difficult it is – and cares
eason to keep on going
nswer to our prayers
hank you
xcitement that the financial pressure is lessened
aith – that there may be “something good around the corner”
s – supporting each other
ove – I feel it!!

Since my diagnosis of EBC in 2006 and then MBC in 2010 my husband and I have not received any financial assistance for this hideous disease.  Yes, because we live in regional Queensland we do receive PTSS (patient travel subsidy scheme) to support me go to Brisbane for treatment.

It has been a tough journey. Our plan for retirement has not been shattered however – changed dramatically. Going from two incomes to now one casual  wage (whenever the work comes my way) makes for an interesting way of living. My husband has not worked for 3 plus years due to numerous health issues including anxiety. I tend to live in denial of this disease – just to keep going. It gives my husband a false sense though and when “things” change and I need more treatment and interventions he panics about how we are going to pay for the extras.

When Tracey advised that I may be able to access funds through Young Pink Sisters, I felt so blessed. Thank you so much for the money as it means a great deal to my emotional wellbeing.

I appreciate all of your fundraising efforts and when that “something good around the corner” appears to me I will “pay it forward”