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Young Women


Very fast help!

BY KATE – Battler

My name is Kate. I am 43 y.o.

In August 2016 i have been diagnosed with early stage of breast cancer. I knew it might happen to me at some stage as I have inherited it from my family. But I was not ready that it will be so soon.

My husband and I have 3 children – son 20 y.o., and 2 daughters 13 and 7. I have done several scans and have started chemotherapy in October. Every month I was meeting with my naturapath and purchasing special vitamins to support my health during treatment. And the monthly amount would be between $300 -$500.

In the same time our son had 2 surgeries and lost his job. He couldn’t return to work because of recovering till next April. We had to support him with treatment expenses and every day bills. I was still working but only part time.
Since January 2017  I have started new weekly treatment which gives me so many hard days. So  I had to reduce my work hours even more. We could not meet our budget.

I have contacted Young pink sisters and received $600 very soon. That was so in time!

Thank you for support!