Peace of mind

JO – Survivor
I had breast cancer in 2012, and in January 2014 I had to have my two year scans. At this time I also had to have a hysterectomy, with 6 weeks off work, 3 of them unpaid. I realised that I could not afford to have the mammogram and ultrasound. I’ve known the amazing women who started Young Pink…
A wonderful gift

ANDY – Husband of Survivor
To the wonderful people at Young Pink Sisters, I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful gift, of a wheelchair, which my beautiful wife needed so badly. Without the help of your amazing organisation, we would never have been able to afford to purchase such a piece of equipment. I cannot tell you what a difference…
Most practical help

MARISA – Survivor
One day I came home from hospital appointments to almost $1000 of medical bills. I was so stressed that I had a bit of a whinge on the YPS Facebook group and not long after I was contacted by a member who told me of the charity they run. I had no idea it had existed and was so touched that they had contacted me to help. Two…
A second chance

KAREN STARK – Survivor
I was diagnosed with early Breast Cancer at age 37 in 2012 and now live cancer free. My oncologist has recently recommended Zometa infusions every 6 months for the next 3 years. These infusions cost $450 (out of pocket) per cycle but will further reduce my risk of recurrence. I am so grateful to YPS charity for paying for…
I felt loved and cared for

To the young pink sisters charity. A huge thankyou to you on helping my family when we needed it. As a young mum, my world was turned upside down when I learned that my cancer had returned. I went from full time employment to nothing in a very short space of time. To top it all off, my local country hospital charges for…
My world fell apart

Thank you Pink Sisters At the age of 31 with 2 young children my world fell apart when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2016, I stopped working immediately to have surgery and treatment. I don’t think anyone realises the financial strain cancer puts on a young family. Following my treatment I was sent…
The meaning of Grateful

The meaning of Grateful: G ratitude in knowing that someone knows how difficult it is – and caresR eason to keep on goingA nswer to our prayersT hank youE xcitement that the financial pressure is lessenedF aith – that there may be “something good around the corner”U s – supporting each other Love…
Welcoming Axton Finance to the Family!

LAUREN BRYANT – Founder of Young Pink Sisters
We welcome Axton Finance to the Young Pink Sisters Charity family and we thank you for your sponsorship. If you have any mortgage or finance needs please contact Clinton Waters and the award winning team at Axton Finance on 03 99397576 or email them on You don’t just have to live in Melbourne to…
Very fast help!

KATE– Battler
My name is Kate. I am 43 y.o. In August 2016 i have been diagnosed with early stage of breast cancer. I knew it might happen to me at some stage as I have inherited it from my family. But I was not ready that it will be so soon. My husband and I have 3 children – son 20 y.o., and 2 daughters 13 and 7. I have done several…